Know yourself, then plan

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Know yourself, then plan

It seems like a new era has begun since the pandemic started. It has brought into light many paradigms that changed the perception of individuals, organizations, corporates, and Governments to a great extent. The adverse impact on economies across the world has led many institutions to rethink and revamp their working styles and methods of operations. In these times we have to learn to manage uncertainties and volatilities that may become a norm.

The following discussion is suggestive and is aimed at the students who are aspiring for a career in management.

The management institutions or the B-schools typically aim to select, polish and build up the youth to play a variety of roles and to manage resources efficiently and adopt to change. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty due to pandemic, B-Schools are also strategising and the aspirants are also thinking deep regarding choice of institutes and seems like convention is breaking.

The recently held CAT, MAT, XAT, Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) etc. witnessed a good number of aspirants but students seem confused due to range of choices in relation to management institutes / B-Schools and specializations offered.

It has been observed that students mostly look outwards as to what others are doing or preferring? What is prevailing or what are people around them saying? The aspirant seldom tries to look inwards to understand own choices, preferences and interests. Probably those who are able to do that, mostly succeed, sooner or later. Taking reference of a recent book I read, students do not try to understand what is their Ikigai? Simply explained ‘Ikigai’ is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being’.

In the passage that follows there are some crucial points to be considered before taking decision related to career, college or courses.

1. Have a Vision

People and organizations that have had a clear vision (not for formality or show-casing only) have mostly done much better than those who haven’t had. So, have a vision, nurture it, and gather the means to realize it.

2. Write down

When you write, you are also scribing something on your mind. When something is etched on the mind, it often leads to action. Moreover, writing helps focus and think better so ‘write’.

3. Required skills

Once you have a purpose and you know what you want, you should ask what kind of skills will help take me there. Search for those skills, list out and then learn.

4. Set a timeline

We do not have infinite time. Time is limited and waits for no one. It is an expensive resource so when you plan, set the date-lines else your efforts will eventually fizzle-out. As you begin something, focus on milestones, take small but sure steps and from time to time, assess your progress. If there is a deviation, make required changes.

5. Positive mindset

According to Zig Ziglar, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” It is imperative to have a positive approach to things and to have a positive mindset. In the absence of positivity, the probability of failures increases.

It is quite natural to feel low when the results are not as expected. This can shake our confidence and lead to stress. Here, we need to remind ourselves that there is light at the end of the tunnel and all that we have to do is to keep walking.

6. Discipline

This is one thing that can cause miracles. All successful people across the world have been disciplined in one way or the other and it shows in their conduct and actions. It is not something that comes over-night. It has to be practiced but once attained; it can do wonders for you.


It is important that we understand ourselves first. We should always work according to our aspirations and not try to force or impose things on ourselves that do not come naturally to us. Once this is done, we can make further choices in life. In context of students, some important points have been mentioned in the passage above that can help them make better choices about colleges, careers and courses. Hope this helps!

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